Before Socrates: Exploring the Pre-Socratic Philosophers
Among the thinkers who are often called pre-Socratic philosophers, Thales took water, his disciple Anaximenes saw air, and Heraclitus saw fire as an element of the whole world.
Among the thinkers who are often called pre-Socratic philosophers, Thales took water, his disciple Anaximenes saw air, and Heraclitus saw fire as an element of the whole world.
On the other hand, Heraclitus, who said, "Everything runs - Panta rhei”," is at the opposite end of the philosophy of Elia Parmenides, who insisted on real invariants. Heraclitus said, ...
Reviewing the geographical and historical, social, and economic background from which Hellas' thoughts came can be a premise for understanding the process of thinking about the formation of the Hellas ...
The Origin of Philosophy Let's talk about the origin of 'philosophy' first. To be more precise, it is correct to say that it is the origin of "Western philosophy." It ...